A Spark of Light
Jodi Picoult

An interesting novel about the pro-life vs. pro-choice perspectives on abortion. Whatever your opinion, this book will give you an idea of how people on both sides develop their feelings on the topic. It also opened my eyes to anti-abortion extremists and the violence toward abortion providers. I liked that Picoult wasn’t trying to persuade me to pick a side. She expressed that legislation alone can’t solve the abortion debate but maybe an emphasis on contraception can. It’s okay for us to differ in our beliefs but we must respect instead of demonize each other.
Alternating between the past and present, Picoult emphatically describes each character’s situation. The anticipation will have you eager to continue. You’ll definitely enjoy it!
The Hate U Give
Angie Thomas

I have to start by saying, that this is one of the most relatable books I‘ve ever read. A tragic, yet incredibly inspiring, novel about police brutality on Black lives; how it effects the Black community and creates a justified distrust and resentment toward a system that is supposed to “serve and protect” us. Thomas uses the heartfelt story of a teenage girl who witnessed a cop murder her friend to highlight the characteristics of systematic oppression. She does a phenomenal job explaining why poor kids are tempted by drug and gang relations and how that is not an acceptable excuse to kill them. She describes the disparity in resources in poor Black communities, the resilient dynamics of family structures, how a safe environment is imperative for our youth to succeed and so much more.
Of these four books, this is the one I really hope you read. It is beautifully written and will grab your attention. But most importantly, it’s informative. It’s real. It’s a must-read.
Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House
Omarosa Manigualt Newman

This book is about exactly what the full title details: an Insider’s Account of the Trump White House. Honestly, I wasn’t sure what to expect since I wasn’t searching for proof about what I already know and believe about the current president. I simply wanted to know about their “friendship,” what finally opened her eyes to what was always right in front of her. I tried to keep an open-mind and not be judgmental; we all have our individual struggles with relationships.
But why stay loyal to someone that goes against everything that you are, all your morals and values? Shouldn’t you be able to confront your friends or family about the hateful, disgusting things they say or do? Are you supporting the behavior if you don’t? If you care about someone, wouldn’t you want to make them a better person, help them change or at the very least make humane decisions?
Among what she witnessed in the campaign and the backlash she received for supporting it, Omarosa also explains that her personal agenda for joining her “friend” was to diversify and be the Black voice at the table in the White House.
Michelle Obama

I just finished this memoir and absolutely loved it. I was not surprised that it was remarkable as Michelle Obama is just that. She takes us chronologically through her life from childhood, her various levels of education, meeting the love of her life and through their journey of raising a family in the world of politics. Mrs. Obama illustrates her experiences with passion and humor, in a way that is both pleasant to read and down to earth. She is transparent about her insecurities and the vulnerability she felt as a highly-educated mother and wife whose life and career revolved around her husband. She handled it with such grace and fortitude, eventually tapping into her own passion to make lives better for children, women and military families.
While there’s so much to dissect and take away from this book, I couldn’t help but smile anytime she described the feelings and interactions between her and Barack Obama. I’m a sappy sucker for a love story, especially one that is honest about hard times (without any scandals)!! It’s refreshing, reassuring and hopeful.
After reading this, I miss them more than I even realized. I feel like I got to know a powerful POTUS-FLOTUS duo as the normal, humble people they once were and always will be. I already wanted to meet and befriend the Obamas, I want to even more now!
Happy reading people!
xo, Jas